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Autor/inHeady, Earl O.
InstitutionIowa State Univ. of Science and Technology, Ames. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development.
TitelEconomic and Social Conditions Relating to Agriculture and Its Structure to Year 2000. CARD Miscellaneous Report.
Quelle(1980), (32 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Stellungnahme; Agribusiness; Agricultural Personnel; Agricultural Production; Agricultural Trends; Agronomy; Attitude Change; Consumer Protection; Developed Nations; Developing Nations; Economic Development; Educational Needs; Energy Conservation; Environmental Standards; Farm Management; Futures (of Society); Hunger; Land Use; Natural Resources; Population Trends; Rural Farm Residents; Technological Advancement; Water Resources; World Affairs; World Problems
AbstractPossible economic and social trends in world agriculture by year 2000 will include increased energy costs; larger, fewer and more specialized farms; decreasing agricultural population; closer ties between farmers and large agribusinesses; more emphasis on consumer and environmental protection; and an increased importance of agriculture in developing countries to economics and agriculture in developed countries. Farmers in developed countries may have changed attitudes toward farming and the land, and will rely more on computers, private consultants, technical aids and outside capital, so more control of agricultural production may be held by nonproducers. To avoid malnutrition and increased food imports resulting from population increase greater than increase in agricultural production, developing countries should invest more in: (1) agricultural research and education programs; (2) bringing uncultivated land into production; (3) increased yield and more intensive use of currently cultivated land; and (4) saving a greater percentage of crops produced. Diverting grain from livestock to human consumption, restrained population growth, higher status for women, and better pension and social security systems should also be considered. World-wide, agricultural production will increase; trade barriers should be relaxed to obtain a favorable trade balance; energy from biomass fuels may become important; and more efficient use of irrigation water will be necessary. (MH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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