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Autor/inMatthews, Janet R.
TitelSite Selection and Evaluation for an Undergraduate Practicum.
Quelle(1980), (14 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Clinical Experience; Community Health Services; Community Resources; Courses; Evaluation Methods; Field Experience Programs; Higher Education; Models; Practicum Supervision; Practicums; Psychologists; Psychology
AbstractThe undergraduate field placement course is an integral part of the curriculum of many psychology departments today. This presentation provides information on sources and procedures for selecting and evaluating the sites for an undergraduate practicum course. Information includes: familiarization with community resources and potential sites; suggestions for contacting psychological workers in the field; evaluation of potential criteria on placement supervisors and the range of exposure offered at the site; and potential areas of difficulty. The report emphasizes the importance of on-going evaluation of placement sites using on-site visits, periodic phone checks, and evaluation forms for supervisors and students. (Author/KMF)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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