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Autor/inn/enKohl, Peggy L.; und weitere
InstitutionIllinois Community Coll. Board, Springfield.
TitelRelationship Between Student Tuition/Fees and Student Enrollments in Illinois Public Community College Districts FY 1971 through 1979.
Quelle(1980), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Community Colleges; Correlation; Enrollment Influences; Enrollment Trends; Full Time Equivalency; Instructional Student Costs; State Colleges; State Surveys; Tables (Data); Tuition; Two Year Colleges; Illinois
AbstractStudent headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollments for the Illinois public community colleges during the nine-year period from 1971 through 1979 were examined along with tuition and fee changes in both actual and constant dollars to determine if a significant statistical relationship existed between changes in enrollment and changes in tuition and fees. The study involved the application of statistical correlation analyses to the data, which were collected from Fall, 10th-day enrollment figures and from annual financial reports compiled by the Illinois Community College Board. Major findings reveal that FTE enrollments at the colleges increased by 51.3% during the study period and that tuition and fees, in terms of constant dollars, rose by only 4.3%. Results of the correlation analysis, based on computations of the Pearson R statistic, yielded no significant relationship between changes in student enrollment and changes in real or constant tuition/fee charges for any of the Illinois community colleges or for the state system as a whole. The study report details methodology, presents summary conclusions, and summarizes findings on a series of data tables and plot graphs. (JP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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