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Autor/inn/enRudman, Herbert C.; und weitere
InstitutionMichigan State Univ., East Lansing. Inst. for Research on Teaching.
TitelIntegrating Assessment with Instruction: A Review (1922-1980). Research Series No.75.
Quelle(1980), (161 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCriterion Referenced Tests; Decision Making; Diagnostic Tests; Educational Diagnosis; Educational Testing; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Informal Assessment; Information Utilization; Inservice Teacher Education; Instruction; Legal Problems; Norm Referenced Tests; Pacing; Prognostic Tests; Student Evaluation; Teacher Attitudes; Test Interpretation; Test Reliability; Test Results; Testing Problems
AbstractThis review covers a time span from 1922 to 1980. It examines the link that exists between assessment and teaching. After discussing the milieu in which the two take place, the remainder of the review addresses four questions: (1) how do teachers use test information for instructional decisions?; (2) what has research indicated about the linkage between testing and teaching?; (3) what is known about the linkage between testing and teaching?; and (4) what is and has been available to teachers to aid them in interpreting and using assessment information for instructional decision making? Several highlights of the review include the gap in perceptions of teacher use and attitudes about testing that exist between practitioners and those who consult with or prepare them; the types of specific help available to teachers from those who publish tests; the arguments for and against a diagnostic-prescriptive approach to teaching. The test manuals of five test publishers and manuals published by several organizations are reviewed. A 195-item bibliography is also appended. (Author/CTM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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