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Autor/inn/enLuskin, Bernard J.; Small, James
TitelCoastline Community College: An Idea Beyond Tradition.
Quelle(1980), (16 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccess to Education; Administrative Organization; Community Colleges; Community Education; Correspondence Study; Curriculum Design; Decentralization; Delivery Systems; Educational Facilities; Experiential Learning; External Degree Programs; Found Spaces; Independent Study; Lifelong Learning; Noncampus Colleges; Open Enrollment; Outreach Programs; Part Time Faculty; School Community Relationship; Telecourses; Two Year Colleges
AbstractSince Coastline Community College (CCC) opened in Fall 1976, CCC has served as a model for the community-based, "college beyond walls" movement. CCC, which has no physical campus, uses 127 existing facilities throughout its service area, including public and private buildings, homes, and businesses. Besides eliminating high construction costs, the use of these facilities allows CCC to reach students who cannot or will not come to a campus. The college employs six operational guidelines for the implementation of community education: (1) a flexible, administrative structure organized along geographic, rather than program, lines; (2) a policy of open access to all population segments; (3) a flexible curriculum to meet the degree and/or personal interest needs of the heterogeneous student body; (4) the use of diverse modes of instruction, such as television, mail, newspapers, and independent study packages; (5) the development of a varied, fully-credentialed, part-time faculty; and (6) the recognition of the concept of lifelong learning through procedures designed to award credit for experiential learning. The emulation of these policies at other community colleges testifies to CCC's success and to the continued trend toward the interface of college and community. (JP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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