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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inBoespflug, LeRoy R.
InstitutionDickinson Public School District 1, ND.
TitelDickinson High School. Career Awareness. Nine Week Mini-Unit.
Quelle, (155 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Leitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Academic Aptitude; Career Awareness; Career Development; Career Education; Career Planning; Decision Making; Employment Interviews; Grade 10; High Schools; Instructional Materials; Job Application; Job Search Methods; Learning Activities; Letters (Correspondence); Minicourses; Questionnaires; Student Interests; Surveys; Values; Vocational Aptitude
AbstractThis guide contains supportive materials for a nine-week mini-unit developed for and utilized within the framework of the tenth-grade required Career Awareness Class of Dickinson High School, North Dakota. The first section on work and the work ethic presents a career development glossary for career education and two essays on identifying the content of work-related instruction. Work Concepts in the Schools, by Robert M. Peterson, is a survey of educators' opinions about work; The Work Ethic in Career Education Materials, by Robert M. Peterson and James N. Johnson, is an analysis of printed materials used in the schools. Topics considered in other major sections include the world of work, individual values, interests, aptitudes, decision making, career planning information for sophomores, preparing a resume, letter of application, the application form, job interview, looking for a job, handling the job, local government, and insurance. Various informative materials are provided: occupational clusters; scholarship and financial aid information; sample resumes, lecters to admissions officers, letters of application, and application forms; representative job-interview questions; and glossaries of legal and insurance terminology. Student activities include self-evaluation, attitude survey, values appraisal scale, interest survey, career planning forms, career awareness questionnaires, interview evaluation, career information interviews, and cost-of-living and income and expenses exercises. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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