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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionPurdue Univ., Lafayette, IN. School of Agriculture.
TitelAgribusiness II.
Quelle(1978), (1014 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Agribusiness; Agricultural Education; Agricultural Engineering; Agricultural Occupations; Animal Husbandry; Career Development; Career Exploration; Career Opportunities; Conservation (Environment); Curriculum Guides; Educational Objectives; Educational Resources; Horticulture; Instructional Materials; Job Search Methods; Leadership Training; Learning Activities; Lesson Plans; Natural Resources; Orientation Materials; Secondary Education; Supervised Farm Practice; Teaching Models; Vocational Education; Wildlife Management; Indiana
AbstractThis common core curriculum guide for agribusiness presents material for eight units of instruction. Following the objectives of the guide and a description of the curriculum materials, lessons are provided in the following subject areas: (1) orientation, (2) leadership, (3) careers, (4) supervised occupational education, (5) mechanics, (6) animal science, (7) horticulture, and (8) conservation of natural resources. Provided within each of the lessons are lesson objectives, motivation ideas, references, outlines, teaching learning activities, and a suggested evaluation. The leadership unit examines public speaking skills and provides practice in conducting meetings. Information on selecting a career and applying for and working at a job is given in the careers unit. The supervised occupational education unit presents information on how to summarize and analyze the job that the student selected in the previous year. The mechanics unit introduces skills that are of importance to people employed in agribusiness occupations. The three technical agribusiness units, animal science, horticulture, and conservation of natural resources, examine specialized information and provide practice in skills from each major agribusiness area. (LRA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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