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Autor/inn/enBolton, William Dan; Brown, David W.
InstitutionTennessee Univ., Knoxville. Agricultural Experiment Station.
TitelRural Juvenile Delinquency: Problems & Needs in East Tennessee.
Quelle(1978), (49 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdoption (Ideas); Delinquency; Delinquency Causes; Delinquency Prevention; Delinquent Rehabilitation; Delivery Systems; Employment Opportunities; Family Influence; Financial Problems; Human Services; Justice; Juvenile Courts; Law Enforcement; Peer Influence; Personnel Needs; Recreation; Rural Youth; Social Values; Tennessee
AbstractJuvenile delinquency problems and ways to improve youth services were explored in a survey conducted in 1975 in 15 East Tennessee counties surrounding Knoxville. The 51 persons interviewed were associated with law enforcement, judicial, and counseling services; respondents believed that juvenile delinquency was on the increase in rural areas and that offenses among younger age groups were becoming more common. Crimes of violence were not mentioned so often as breaking and entering, theft, drug problems, and status offenses. Problems in the home environment, including family breakups, financial difficulties, and weak parental guidance and control, were most often cited as the main causes of delinquency. Lack of recreational facilities, limited job outlets, changing social values and peer pressures were also mentioned as contributing factors. When asked to evaluate nine kinds of programs used to tackle delinquency problems, respondents listed professional counseling and probation services, temporary detention facilities, and recreational outlets as the areas most often needing improvement at the local level. Funding, problems in gaining public acceptance of new ideas, and difficulties in finding qualified people to handle localized programs were mentioned as obstacles to improving youth services. Decentralizing juvenile services by pooling facilities among localities is discussed and costs are examined as well as other considerations. (Author/DS)
AnmerkungenPublications Office, Institute of Agriculture, University of Tennessee, P.O. Box 1071, Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 (no charge; available as long as supply lasts)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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