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Autor/inn/enFinkler, Deana; Thompson, Patricia
TitelClassroom Use of a Verbal Measure of Information Rate: An Exploratory Study.
Quelle(1978), (11 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterArousal Patterns; Classroom Environment; Course Content; Course Evaluation; Higher Education; Semantic Differential; Student Reaction; Teaching Methods; Test Reliability
AbstractThe Verbal Measure of Information Rate (VMIR) is a measure of information rate which reflects the elements, features, and changes in a complex environment. Subjects rated 14 bipolar adjective pairs to indicate an appropriate description of the learning situation or information load (simple-complex, novel-familiar). The measure was administered to undergraduates in a four-unit experimental course entitled "Learning Analysis." Each unit presented a different subject and teaching method: speech (experiential learning); mathematics (peer discovery); physics (lecture-demonstration); and English (open classroom). Students rated the last week of each of the four units, and again rated all four units during the final exam. Statistical analyses were conducted for evidence of group consensus in the ratings, as well as consistency of individual ratings over time. The results demonstrated that the students were able to describe the environmental load of a classroom in a consistent and logical manner, and suggested that the VMIR may be better used in a comparative framework than for rating a single environment. (Author/JAC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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