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InstitutionCenter for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, VA.
TitelThe Hmong Language: Sounds and Alphabets. General Information Series, No. 14. Indochinese Refugee Education Guides.
Quelle(1978), (39 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Alphabets; Asian Americans; Asian Studies; Consonants; Culture; Descriptive Linguistics; Dialects; Educational Opportunities; Ethnic Groups; Indochinese; Language of Instruction; Literacy; Minority Groups; Mutual Intelligibility; Phoneme Grapheme Correspondence; Phonology; Pronunciation; Refugees; Romanization; Tone Languages; Uncommonly Taught Languages; Vowels; Laos
AbstractThe purpose of this guide is to provide Americans working with the Hmongs with: (1) some practical information on the Hmongs, their origins and language; (2) a detailed description of the sounds of the Hmong language; and (3) a discussion on Hmong as an unwritten language. This is the first of three guides to be published on the Hmongs, a people who live in scattered areas in Southeast Asia. Hmong refugees in the United States came originally from mountain regions in Laos. In addition to this background information, the following topics are included: sources for further reference; the Hmong sound system, including the general structure of words, consonants, differences between white and blue/green vowels and consonants, and tones; Hmong education and literacy in Laos; Hmong alphabet development in Laos; and the use of the Romanized Popular Alphabet (RPA) among refugees. (Author/AMH)
AnmerkungenNational Indochinese Clearinghouse, Center for Applied Linguistics, 1611 No. Kent St., Arlington, Virginia 22209 (free)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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