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Sonst. PersonenCollins, Paul (Hrsg.); Sinatra, Lewis J. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionNew York State Teacher Corps Network, New York, NY.
TitelDocumenta: Perspectives on Change in Teacher Education.
Quelle(1976), (100 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBilingual Education; Change Agents; Change Strategies; Educational Change; Educational Needs; Educational Strategies; Handicapped Students; Inservice Teacher Education; Mainstreaming; Staff Development; Staff Meetings; New York
AbstractThis collection of papers is an attempt to document the living-learning spirit of the New York State Teacher Corps Network staff development program meetings. These Network meetings are characterized by three types of activities: (1) presentations and/or workshops conducted by outside consultants; (2) problem identification and strategy sessions to encourage development of individual Teacher Corps projects and to enhance collaboration among the various projects in the state; and (3) formal and informal sharing of knowledge and skills by project staff members from around the state. Accordingly, this publication begins with four articles that emanate from consultant presentations, each relating in some way to the present Teacher Corps emphasis on in-service teacher education:"Teacher Corps and In-service Teacher Education"; "Educational Needs Assessment--The State of the Scene"; "Toward More Effective Job-Embedded In-service Teacher Education"; and "Legal Issues for the Handicapped: National and State." A second section contains a series of reports on sessions at which collaborative efforts were used to identify problems and develop appropriate strategies: "Some Thoughts on the Change Process and Emerging Teacher Corps Roles"; "Fostering Change"; "Reinforcing the Infrastructure of the Regular Classroom"; and "Linking Educational Environments." A final section presents seven papers authored by Teacher Corps staff members which reflect many of the dimensions that help to make Teacher Corps the change agent that it is. Each section is prefaced with a series of introductory notes. All of the papers address dynamics associated with attempts to change teacher education in line with the goals, needs, and aspirations of our society. (MM)
AnmerkungenNew York State Teacher Corps Network, Fordham University, New York, N.Y.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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