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Autor/inAlvir, Howard P.
TitelA Sample CISNE [Computerized Information Service for Nursing Educators] Nursing Course.
Quelle, (77 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBehavioral Objectives; Computers; Course Descriptions; Course Evaluation; Courses; Databases; Information Systems; Nursing; Two Year Colleges
AbstractThe Computerized Information Service for Nursing Educators (CISNE) is a computerized information system designed to help nursing instructors exchange ideas in an attempt to improve teaching methods. The system, which is under development, will assist nursing educators by performing eight functions: (1) coding courses for instant input and retrieval, (2) providing course goals that give a general idea of the major professional content of a specific program, (3) developing courses through major topics, (4) providing course evaluation methods, (5) developing performance objectives for each major subdivision, (6) banking alternative test items for each objective, (7) identifying resources, and (8) presenting cost-effectiveness profiles of available learning resources for each objective. This booklet illustrates what this system can do for teachers, schools, and students. It presents materials as received from various nursing educators and shows the kinds of revisions CISNE will make. (DC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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