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Autor/inMcFarland, Valerie
InstitutionBureau of the Census (DOC), Suitland, MD.
TitelData on Selected Racial Groups Available From the Bureau of the Census.
[Report No.: DAD-40
Quelle(1975), (46 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; American Indians; Asian Americans; Blacks; Census Figures; Computer Storage Devices; Data Processing; Databases; Ethnic Groups; Filipino Americans; Hawaiians; Housing; Information Sources; Information Storage; Japanese Americans; Korean Americans; Minority Groups; Population Distribution; Reports; Resource Materials; Statistical Data; Tables (Data); Whites
AbstractIntended to be a central source of information on where to acquire statistics on the social and economic characteristics of various racial groups, this report includes references on printed reports, computer tapes, and special calculations. The racial categories of white, negro or black, Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Hawaiian, Korean, Aleut, Eskimo, and other are defined and described. Included in the list of printed materials are the 1970 census publications and the Subject Guides to 1970 Census Population and Housing Characteristics, consisting of four comprehensive guides to tables containing racial data referenced by subject matter and geographic areas. The availability of printed reports is cited. Summary tapes, produced in six tabulated series, provide tables with data for racial categories in the population and housing tabulations at various geographic levels. Their acquisition and public use is explained. In cases where the need for racial statistics tabulated by certain subjects or geographical detail is not met by general census tabulations, special tabulations can be undertaken to meet individual needs. Details concerning special tabulation procedures are specified. Four tables and eleven figures accompany the report. (Author/AM)
AnmerkungenSubscriber Services Section (Publications) Social and Economic Statistics Administration, Washington, D.C. 20233 ($1.00)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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