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Autor/inn/enCarpenter, Edwin H.; Warner, Judith A.
InstitutionArizona Univ., Tucson.
TitelSize of Place of Residential Preference as Related to Size and Satisfaction with Place of Residence.
Quelle(1975), (28 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAttitudes; Environmental Standards; Heads of Households; Metropolitan Areas; Migration Patterns; Place of Residence; Residential Patterns; Rural Areas; Surveys; Urban Areas; Arizona
AbstractIn view of the recent migration turnaround in the U.S. (1970 to 1974), relevance of size of place of residence was examined. Analysis was based on questionnaire data collected from 1973 Arizona household heads (N=2,410). Incorporated in the questionnaire, the following categorical variables were analyzed: (1) size of present place of residence (categories included: large metropolitan; medium metropolitan; small metropolitan; semi-urban; and rural); (2) size of preferred place of residence (same categories); and (3) level of satisfaction with present place of residence (4 levels). Analysis utilized the Goodman multivariate contingency table analysis procedure. A parsimonious model depicting how the three variables were related was not found, for the variables interacted with one another. Further analysis of the three-way contingency table produced findings which indicated that size of place of residence was important, particularly when dissatisfaction with present place of residence was high. It was found that over half of the respondents preferred places smaller than their present place of residence and that 14% prefrred smaller places of residence and were also dissatisfied with their present place of residence. It was argued that in addition to preference, satisfaction with place of residence would impact on migration behavior. (Author/JC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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