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Autor/inGayles, Anne Richardson
TitelThe Multicultural Approach to Designing an Effective Program of Professional Laboratory Experiences.
Quelle(1975), (19 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Cross Cultural Training; Cultural Differences; Cultural Pluralism; Field Experience Programs; Intercultural Programs; Laboratory Training; Preservice Teacher Education; Teaching Experience
AbstractThis paper proposes the restructuring of preservice professional laboratory programs in order to make these preservice experiences meaningful for prospective teachers of students whose racial, social, religious, and cultural backgrounds differ from the mainstream. Professional laboratory experiences are defined as learning activities in which the prospective teacher is able to observe teachers and pupils at work, perceive teaching acts or events with understanding, and become directly involved in carrying out the process of teaching. It is stated that a multicultural professional laboratory program provides an ideal opportunity for directing prospective teachers toward the development of self-analysis and self-improvement as teachers and as students, thereby promoting discovery of their strengths as teachers and revealing how to capitalize on them in the process of learning how to function and adjust in a culturally diverse society. The competencies necessary for effectively teaching students of different cultures are listed, as are the basic assumptions underlying a multicultural approach to professional laboratory experiences, the characteristics of a multicultural professional laboratory program, factors to be taken into consideration when designing such a program, and concepts and strategies for program implementation. (RC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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