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Autor/inn/enJohnson, Harry A.; Virag, Wayne F.
TitelMultimedia Materials for Studies on World Peace (A Conceptual Model and Rationale with Annotated Curriculum Materials). Education for Peace: Reflection and Action.
Quelle, (146 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBibliografie; Annotated Bibliographies; Conflict Resolution; Decision Making; Economics; Environmental Education; Global Approach; International Education; International Relations; Justice; Natural Resources; Peace; Population Education; Resource Materials; Secondary Education; World Affairs
AbstractWith the shrinking contemporary world and the increasing ease in communications, thoughtful youth are questioning the inevitability of international violence and war. Students must learn to explore in depth the causes of conflict and to design strategies for action which will hopefully lead to the elimination of war. This publication provides ideas related to teaching about world peace at the secondary level and to the availability of resource materials. In section 1, the author investigates the need for the use of varied instructional resources to develop critical thinking among students. Section 2 contains six conceptual models for teaching about social justice and human rights, population, decision making, conflict resolution, development, and environment. Section 3, which comprises the major portion of the publication, is an annotated bibliography of print and nonprint materials which can be used to teach about the six areas of concern for which conceptual models are presented in section 2. (Author/RM)
AnmerkungenWayne F. Virag, Department of Social Studies Education, Virginia State College, P. O. Box 702-N, Petersburg, Virginia 23803 ($5.95 paper)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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