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Autor/inSmith, Alfred N.
TitelIndividualization and the Foreign Language Methods Course.
Quelle(1973), (6 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Classification; Educational Methods; Individualized Instruction; Individualized Programs; Language Instruction; Language Programs; Methods Courses; Reading Instruction; Teacher Education; Teaching Methods
AbstractIn language methods courses, there is an attempted integration of the concept of individualized instruction into all of the regular methods class activities. This integration can occur as follows: (1) In teaching language methods, different language learning activities for individual students are considered. (2) In discussing methods for teaching culture and advanced classes, individualization is planned according to student interest and motivation. (3) In particular cases, grouping for remedial and enrichment purposes is recommended. Parts of the methods course are individualized to illustrate the process and not for the purpose of individualizing the course. This partial individualization occurs in three areas: (1) The theoretical aspects of the course are individualized in testing, discussion grouping, and outside reading procedures. (2) Reading methods are individualized on the basis of learning packets, which are accompanied by video tapes; in addition, there is an individualized unit on how to write a learning packet, as well as a description of the use of small groups. (3) Individualization in the performance phase is based on team teaching in actual university language classes, which allows methods students to put into practice the theory and techniques they have observed and read about. A brief outline to be used as a model for individualization is provided. (LG)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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