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Autor/inCalhoun, Olivia H.
InstitutionDistrict of Columbia Public Schools, Washington, DC. Dept. of Career Development.; Metropolitan Educational Council for Staff Development, Washington, DC.
TitelPublic Service Occupations: Grade 8. Cluster I
Quelle(1972), (140 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCareer Education; Community Health Services; Curriculum Guides; Fire Fighters; Grade 8; Law Enforcement; Occupational Clusters; Public Service Occupations; Social Services; Units of Study; Utilities; District of Columbia
AbstractA curriculum guide for grade 8, the document is devoted to the occupational cluster "Public Service Occupations." It is divided into six units: education, public utilities, community social and health services, law enforcement agencies, fire departments, and the postal system. Each unit is introduced by a statement of the topic, the unit's purpose, main ideas, quests, and a list of career opportunities (positions) available in that area. Next, the areas of language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, home economics, industrial arts, music, and physical education (when applicable) are subdivided into purpose, objectives, activities, materials, and notes with a statement relating these categories to the unit topic. The document is one of ten curriculum guides at the seventh and eighth grade levels presenting a career education emphasis. The teacher's manual for the series is available as CE 001 041. The other guides are: consumer and homemaking (CE 001 042); communications and media (CE 001 043); fine arts and humanities (CE 001 044); construction and environment (CE 001 045); agri-business, natural resources, marine sciences (CE 001 046); health occupations (CE 001 048); manufacturing, marketing and distribution, business and office occupations (CE 001 049); transportation (CE 001 050); and hospitality, recreation and personal service occupations (CE 001 051). (AG)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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