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Autor/inRosen, Jacqueline L.
TitelThe Remembered Childhood Self As Forecaster of Teacher-Child Relations.
Quelle(1972), (30 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdults; Autobiographies; Childhood Attitudes; Individual Characteristics; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Background; Teacher Effectiveness; Teacher Placement; Teacher Selection
AbstractThis study is part of a long-range effort to identify the psychological processes in adults that influence how they relate to children and that play a role in determining what kinds of children they are likely to work with most effectively. Previous studies have suggested that a valuable source of information may lie in adults' recollections of their childhood selves and, further, that such data may prove useful in the process of selecting adults for work with children. The present research is a direct outgrowth of one of these earlier studies (Rosen, 1968) and is an attempt to extend the practical implications of its findings. This report presents and compares the results of the two studies, interprets them in relation to concepts and research concerning the growth-promoting adult, and suggests directions for future research. Methods employed in this present study include student teachers' autobiographies, interviews with advisors, and advisor ratings. (Author/JA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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