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Autor/inScott, Olive P.
InstitutionOhio State Univ., Columbus. Center for Vocational and Technical Education.
TitelInstructional Materials for Cosmetology and Barbering.
[Report No.: Inf-Ser-77
Quelle(1973), (33 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBarbers; Bibliographies; Career Development; Career Education; Cosmetology; Curriculum Development; Curriculum Evaluation; Evaluation Criteria; Instructional Materials; Literature Reviews; Occupational Information; Resource Materials; Teacher Education; Vocational Education
AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to aid curriculum development specialists, state leadership personnel, and local supervisors of trade and industry in evaluating curriculum and instructional materials development in cosmetology and barbering. Intended to help either the new or experienced teacher improve programs and identify useful instructional materials, this overview of current state licensing regulations and basic curriculum requirements in cosmetology and barbering includes a rationale, employment projections, descriptions of widely used curricular materials, and extensive teaching suggestions. Evaluation criteria used in selecting these examples of instructional materials are discussed. Resource lists and a bibliography are included. Educational needs for program development and teacher education in cosmetology and barbering are noted. (AG)
AnmerkungenProduct Utilization Section, The Center for Vocational and Technical Education, 1960 Kenny Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 (One of a set, prices available upon request)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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