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Autor/inAronowitz, Stanley
InstitutionNew York Univ., NY. New Careers Development Center.
TitelMobilization for Youth's New Model for Subprofessional Training: Its Impact on New York City's Health Services.
Quelle, (6 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCareer Development; Community Health Services; Educational Innovation; Educational Needs; Job Training; Labor Force Development; Leadership Training; Models; Paraprofessional Personnel; Program Descriptions; Program Effectiveness; Vocational Education; New York (New York)
AbstractWritten by a manpower and economic development consultant for the Carlton Family Fund, this paper describes the pioneering role of Mobilication for Youth's New Health Occupations Program (NHOP) in the development of a new model for the use of non-professionals in human services. Innovative training concepts for Social Health Technicians employed by Gouverneur Clinic include the importance of the subprofessional in a flexible service delivery system, an emphasis upon basic education as well as specific skills training, and the assignment of responsible community service work as opposed to routine liaison work with professionals. The Public Service Careers Program of the Human Resources Administration was constructed from the NHOP model, as well as the parallel position of Case Work Assistant within New York City's Department of Hospitals. The Mobilization for Youth's contribution to the "new careers" concept is indicated by the interest of voluntary hospitals in establishing similar training programs and new occupations within their institutions with the guidance of the NHOP staff. (AG)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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