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Autor/inGarcia, Sandra Anderson
TitelColonialism in the Classroom: Teaching "Good" Grammar to Black Children.
Quelle(1972), (13 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Acculturation; Blacks; Comprehension; Cultural Background; Deep Structure; English; Grammar; Language Instruction; Language Skills; Nonstandard Dialects; Sociolinguistics; Standard Spoken Usage; Student Attitudes; Values
AbstractStandard English must be considered as a language that can and should be learned and used by any human who finds it advantageous to do so, but which has no more exotic and virtuous qualities than any other language or dialect. The teacher of standard English to speakers of Black English should be aware of the kinds of language skills that children acquire before they enter school; speakers of Black English understand a wide range of registers and styles of standard English, as well as several dialects of English. The teacher must understand the underlying principles of the student's dialect and the system of rules governing his speech. The teacher must consider the values of the child and consider with whom the child identifies and for what reasons. The teacher can then deal with the possibility of commanding a full range of styles and registers of two dialects, the advantages of being able to switch dialects, and methods of teaching a second dialect. (Author/VM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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