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Autor/inFuller, Joan M.
InstitutionWelfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago, IL.
TitelUprooted Children 1957-1967. Trends in Number of Chicago Area Children in Foster Placements and Institutions.
Quelle(1969), (58 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterChild Care; Child Welfare; Data Collection; Disadvantaged Youth; Family Environment; Foster Children; Institutionalized Persons; Research Methodology; Residential Care; Tables (Data); Illinois (Chicago)
AbstractThis report attempts to synthesize the available information about 16,000 children in the Chicago Area who are living in "uprooted" circumstances in the sense of having been removed from their own homes for one reason or other, and having been placed in substitute homes. Over 100 separate agency facilities and programs for children are encompassed in this report--both public and private. The objective of the study was to identify trends in the volume and type of residential care provided to Chicago Area children in recent years. The analysis covers the quantity of services, not the quality. The data collected concern children in agency adoptive homes, in other foster family homes, in welfare institutions, in institutions for the mentally retarded, in institutions for delinquents, and in psychiatric hospitals. A Technical Appendix presents data sources, methodology, and limitations. (DB)
AnmerkungenWelfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago, 123 West Madison, Chicago, Illinois 60602 ($3.00, Publication No. 7005)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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