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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inund weitere
Sonst. PersonenNatoli, Salvatore J. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionAssociation of American Geographers, Washington, DC.; National Council for Geographic Education.
TitelActivities Selected from the High School Geography Project.
Quelle(1971), (353 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterActivity Units; Class Activities; Geographic Concepts; Geography; Geography Instruction; Human Geography; Inquiry; Map Skills; Secondary Education
AbstractOut of approximately 50 activities which were, for a variety of reasons, not included in the final version of the High School Geography Project course, Geography in an Urban Age, the HSGP staff selected eight which would be useful in many secondary school classrooms. The activities included here are: 1) Operation Bigger Beef (on themes of cultural geography); 2) World Population; 3) Population of Canada; 4) Political and Administrative Districts of the City; 5) Scatter Diagrams of the Political Hierarchy and its Territorial Framework; 6) The Location of the Massachusetts State Medical School (or local alternative); 7) Designing a World Political Map; and, 8) Case Studies: Mitaka and Niiike. These activities were edited so that they would be usable for the classroom teacher. Each activity contains notes for the teacher and student resources. In most cases, materials for student use are provided in single copies and must be reproduced by the teacher in classroom quantities. There is neither a suggested sequence for using these activities nor a suggested grade level. Some may be appropriate for students as low as 7th grade, but all may be used between grades 7-12. This collection should be viewed as a workbook for teacher and student to serve as a springboard for experimental activities based upon the objectives outlined in the activities. (Author/JLB)
AnmerkungenAssociation of American Geographers, 1710 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009 $4.00 (plus $.50 handling if payment not enclosed)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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