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Sonst. PersonenRubin, Louis J. (Hrsg.)
TitelImproving In-Service Education: Proposals and Procedures for Change.
Quelle(1971), (284 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCurriculum Development; Educational Quality; Inservice Teacher Education; Professional Training; Teacher Improvement; Teacher Qualifications
AbstractThis book concerning the continuing education of teachers offers an overview of the problems of professional growth. It attempts to provide an understanding of the organizational conditions which are prerequisites for professional development and to provide curriculum workers with a deeper insight into the connections between a course of study and the teacher who translates it into reality. The 11 essays which make up the book are grouped in three sections: 1) "The Changing Times," which discusses the need for a new approach to schooling with reforms including increasing use of educational technology, extending the classroom into the outside world, providing alternative programs, and major changing of the curriculum; 2) "The Proof of the Pudding," which discusses the need to specify what we wish to accomplish in the classroom and ways in which teachers can be enabled to work at the things at which they are adept; and 3) "Time and Desire," which places many of the earlier arguments in context and prescribes what must be done--set standards of quality teaching, determine whether or not these standards are being achieved, make it possible for the teacher to recognize the faults of his teaching, and provide the time and resources to permit the teacher to improve. Each chapter has a commentary giving clues to action and operational implications for educational workers in the field. (MBM)
AnmerkungenAllyn and Bacon, Inc. 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass. 02210 ($9.50)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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