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Autor/inn/enPerrone, Philip A.; Lins, L. Joseph
InstitutionWisconsin Coordinating Council for Higher Education, Madison.
TitelPost-Secondary Activities of Spring 1968 High School Seniors. Research Report.
Quelle(1970), (100 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Aspiration; Family Characteristics; High School Graduates; Higher Education; Postsecondary Education; Student Characteristics; Surveys; Wisconsin
AbstractThis report which presents information on the postsecondary activities of spring 1968 graduates of Wisconsin high schools is based on data obtained by surveying one-twelfth of the 57,349 seniors who completed the 1968 Senior Survey Questionnaire. Comparisons are made between the students' first-year activities and their plans as seniors, and between their first and second year after graduation activities. Included in these comparisons is information on their occupational aspirations as seniors, choice of post-secondary institutions as seniors, occupation and education of fathers, family income, high school course, high school decile rank, and type of school attended first year after graduation. The report also discusses (1) the reasons why those who anticipated continued education did not attend, their high school decile rank and their fathers education; (2) post-secondary educational planning and characteristics of graduates continuing their education; (3) characteristics of graduates who interrupted their post-high school education; and (4) characteristics of graduates in school the second year after their graduation. (AF)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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