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Autor/inn/enThomas, Hadley A.; Allen, Harold B.
TitelOral English; Learning a Second Language.
Quelle(1968), 128p. (304 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Beigabengrafische Darstellungen; Tabellen
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAudiolingual Methods; Audiovisual Aids; Contrastive Linguistics; Early Childhood Education; English (Second Language); Instructional Materials; Language Instruction; Pattern Drills (Language); Pronunciation Instruction; Spanish Speaking; Teaching Guides; TENL
AbstractThe authors suggest that "Oral English," designed for preschool and primary grade children whose native language is not English, may also be used with children who speak nonstandard dialects of English. Audiolingual in approach, the course is comprised of a pupil's picture book, a teacher's guide, two groups of illustrated language development cards, three wall charts, and one pocket chart. Lessons are sequenced and appear in two-part units: (1) Conversation, which introduces basic sentence patterns; and (2) Sounds, which provide systematic practice of the sounds of English. Detailed suggestions to the teacher for presenting the material is provided in the Teacher's Edition; special appended sections contain a simplified description of the English language for the teacher without a background in linguistics, a description of English sound and word systems, with facial diagrams illustrating the production of vowels and consonants, and a discussion of some special features of Navajo and Spanish whose contrastive differences present areas of difficulty for those speakers learning English. Also included in the Teacher's Edition are listings of reference materials, and the vocabulary used in the lessons. (AMM)
AnmerkungenThe Economy Company, 1901 North Walnut, P.O. Box 25308, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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