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Sonst. PersonenRamson, W. S. (Hrsg.)
TitelEnglish Transported: Essays on Australasian English.
Quelle(1970), (243 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAustralian Literature; Bibliographies; Dialect Studies; English; English (Second Language); Pidgins; Standard Spoken Usage; Written Language; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea
AbstractThis collection of essays on Australasian English deals with various aspects of the language as it is spoken in the areas of Australian, New Zealand, and Papua-New Guinea. Although the bulk of the essays are concerned with Australian and New Zealand English, the editor expresses the hope that the integrated study of these two major dialects will help to stimulate investigation of other forms of English spoken in the area. The following essays are included: A.G. Mitchell, "The Australian Accent"; A. Delbridge, "The Recent Study of Spoken Australian English"; W.S. Ramson, "Nineteenth-Century Australian English"; J.S. Gunn, "Twentieth-Century Australian Idiom"; J.A.W. Bennett, "English as It Is Spoken in New Zealand"; G.W. Turner, "New Zealand English Today"; Don Laycock," Pidgin English in New Guinea"; Michael G. Clyne, "Migrant English in Australia"; T.E. Dutton, "Informal English in the Torres Straits"; E.H. Flint, "A Comparison of Spoken and Written English: Towards an Integrated Method of Linguistic Description"; G.K.W. Johnston, "The Language of Australian Literature"; Susan Kaldor, "Asian Students and Australian English." A 263 entry bibliography of Australian English completes the volume. (FWB)
AnmerkungenAustralian National University Press, Canberra ($6.75)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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