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Autor/inGran, James R.
TitelA Follow-Up Study of the One Hundred Graduates, Class of 1969, of the Jackson County Adult Evening High School.
Quelle(1970), (96 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAge Differences; Employment Level; Family Status; Females; Followup Studies; Graduates; Income; Occupations; Participant Satisfaction; Public School Adult Education; Questionnaires; Secondary Education; Statistical Data; Units of Study
AbstractThis followup study dealt with the third graduating class (April 22, 1969) of the Jackson County (Iowa) Adult Evening High School Completion Program. Background data were gathered on age, sex, employment status, family and marital status, occupation when enrolled, and present occupation and employment. There were 58 tuition and 42 nontuition students. Outcomes were analyzed for job changes or promotions (35 positive changes); increased income (for 18 of the above 35); other tangible and intangible benefits (perceived by 56); persons (26) planning to continue their education or training; those desiring additional high school subjects (37); desired subjects and training; and city and school to be attended. All graduates but two would recommend the program to others. Evaluations of the quality of teaching and the amount of work required for graduation were largely favorable, and suggestions for improvement were few. Most graduates indicated that all their subjects were helpful. (Included are a questionnaire, covering letters, and 30 tables.) (LY)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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