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Autor/inn/enColgan, Francis E.; und weitere
InstitutionRocky Mountain Educational Lab., Inc., Greeley, CO.
TitelHealth Occupations Curriculum Development: In Search of A More Powerful Curriculum.
Quelle(1969), (70 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAllied Health Occupations Education; Core Curriculum; Curriculum Development; Entry Workers; Grade 11; Health Education; Occupational Information; Occupational Mobility; Program Development; Questionnaires; Rural Schools; Task Analysis
AbstractThe Rocky Mountain Educational Laboratory (RMEL) Health Occupations Curriculum project was initially structured to provide broad exploratory activities for the total student body, an elective course, orientation to employment, and work entry experience in the 11th and 12th grades. It was expected that the project would provide a prototype for rural school systems which would be transferable to the urban setting and to other occupational clusters. This paper deals only with the activities and experiences associated with the 11th grade health occupations curriculum development, in the hope that other educational agencies might reduce their planning effort through utilization of the RMEL experience. The appendix includes a sample questionnaire consisting of performance elements to be checked in terms of importance and the setting appropriate for teaching of the element by 11th grade teachers, the health occupations teacher-coordinator, health services-administrators, supervisors, and job incumbents. (JK)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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