Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Institution | Columbia Univ., New York, NY. Teachers College. |
Titel | Summary of the Teacher-Innovator: A Program To Prepare Teachers. |
Quelle | (1968), (22 Seiten)
PDF als Volltext |
Dokumenttyp | gedruckt; online; Monographie |
Schlagwörter | Educational Innovation; Individualized Instruction; Practicums; Teacher Education; Teacher Education Curriculum; Teacher Role |
Abstract | A teacher education program has been designed to (1) illustrate a process for creating teacher education programs and (2) provide an example of one which is designed to prepare educators who will have the skill and commitment to help create and test new educational forms. The rationale is the idea that professional performance can be described in terms of control over certain areas of reality that are essential to developing creative roles, rather than the ability to fill already defined teacher roles. The program is operated as a democracy with small self-regulated units of students (inquiry groups) monitoring their own progress and administering the program to themselves with the assistance of faculty counselors whose role is based on a "differential training model" for individualizing instruction. A "contact" laboratory is organized to provide teacher-candidates with opportunities for study, microteaching, and experimentation rather than to socialize them to the school as it presently exists. Program components are based on four future-oriented roles, each involving constant experimentation: (1) institution builder (shaper of the school), (2) innovator (rather than bureaucratic functionary), (3) scholar (academic specialist also involved in the study of teaching and of children), (4) interactive teacher (instructional decision-maker; master of teaching strategies; flexible, sensitive developer of classroom social systems). (The complete report is ED 027 284.) (JS) |
Anmerkungen | Elem. Teacher Education Project, Div. of Elem. & Sec. Research, Bureau of Research, USOE, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202 (Free) |
Erfasst von | ERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC |
Update | 2004/1/01 |