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Autor/inIlika, Joseph
TitelAge of Entrance Into the First Grade as Related to Rate of Scholastic Achievement.
Quelle(1969), (20 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Academic Achievement; Age; Age Differences; Arithmetic; Early Admission; Elementary School Students; Enrollment; Language Acquisition; Longitudinal Studies; Reading; School Entrance Age; Spelling; Student Development
AbstractThe influence of age of entrance to first grade on subsequent rate of scholastic development was tested in this longitudinal investigation. Forty-one pairs of boys and forty-nine pairs of girls, matched according to sex, intelligence, and socioeconomic status, were subjects. The mean chronological age of late entrants was 81 months, opposed to 72 months for early entrants. Reading, spelling, arithmetic, total language, and total achievement scores were obtained. Results of boys' rate of achievement revealed no significant differences. Late-entrant boys' rates tended to be faster than early-entrant boys' rates in all measures except arithmetic development. LEG's Late-entrant girls' rates reflected faster scholastic development than the early-entrant girls' rates. The results upheld Willard C. Olson's statement of the principle of resistance to displacement of rate of development in that initially faster rates of the early entrants declined and did not exceed the rates of development by the late entrants. (DO)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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