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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionWebster Coll., St. Louis, MO.
TitelVeterans' Accelerated Urban Learning for Teaching (V.A.U.L.T.); Program Development and Projection.
Quelle(1968), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcceleration; Black Teachers; Career Choice; Disadvantaged; Elementary School Teachers; Field Experience Programs; Ghettos; High School Graduates; Higher Education; Learning Motivation; Military Personnel; Motivation Techniques; Program Descriptions; Student Educational Objectives; Student Teachers; Teacher Education; Teacher Recruitment; Veterans Education
AbstractThe Webster College Veterans' Accelerated Urban Learning for Teaching (VAULT) program, initiated in 1968-69, is designed to train the disadvantaged (primarily Negro veterans who would not normally attend college) to teach in ghetto elementary schools. Its purpose is to serve veterans and to control the following deficiencies in higher education: the lack of educational opportunity for those who do not possess the incentive or the traditional entrance requirements for college; the need in ghetto schools for minority group teachers; the need for male "father figure" teachers in ghetto schools; and the need for educated leadership in minority societies. To combat these problems, a 2 -year curriculum was devised to include "hooker courses" (courses relevant to social and minority group problems designed to stimulate interest in formal education) offered on military bases, and "action courses" (courses which immediately place students in field situations) given on the Webster campus in conjunction with special interest courses which are integrated into the undergraduate curriculums leading to certification. On the basis of results (31 of 42 original students are still enrolled), VAULT leaders have projected an expansion program over the next five years. (Included is a curriculum outline and summary data on projections.) (SM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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