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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enCorrigan, Dean; Garland, Colden
InstitutionAssociation for Student Teaching, Washington, DC.
TitelStudying Role Relationships. AST Research Bulletin 6.
Quelle(1966), (32 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBehavioral Objectives; Concept Formation; Conflict Resolution; Interaction; Preservice Teacher Education; Role Perception; Role Theory; Self Actualization; Self Concept; Student Behavior; Student Role; Student School Relationship; Student Teacher Relationship; Student Teaching; Teacher Role
AbstractRelationships among the positions operating in the student teaching situation can be viewed as an interaction system. Role conflicts, or contradictory role expectations that are held by the student teacher, supervising teacher, college supervisor, and school administrator tend to interfere in their interactive relationships in student teaching programs and lessen their effectiveness. Responses to role conflict problems (such as the use of handbooks for student teachers which attempt to define roles) have not been of the magnitude or design necessary to meet the needs of the situation. Role theory, as a system of interrelated concepts, can provide a useful way of examining the positions involved in student teaching experiences and, through the development of appropriate conceptual tools, can help all involved in student teaching more intelligently understand, anticipate, and solve problems of role conflict. (A 23-item list of selected references is included.) (SM)
AnmerkungenThe Association for Student Teaching, State College of Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa ($1.50).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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