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Autor/UrheberHolmberg, Kristina; Zimmerman Nilsson, Marie-Helene; Lindgren, Monica; Ericsson, Claes
TitelSnacking on Knowledge and Feel Good - Challenging discourses on arts in education.
QuelleIn: doi:10.5281/zenodo.3384888;; European Journal of Philosophy in Arts Education 01(01) 39-67(2016)
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
Schlagwörterarts in education; music education; education; discourse analysis; late modernity; social constructionism
AbstractThe aim of this article is to re-think the results of four larger studies conducted by the authors during the last decade, all with a discourse analytical approach. The studies are empirical and concern the Swedish field of arts in education and deal with a comprehensive material consisting of interviews, observations and field notes. In the results of these studies three prominent discourses emerges. A Curriculum discourse, where content knowledge is connected to traditions, norms and values of educational institutions, a Feel-good discourse that deals with content knowledge where social and personal aspects are essential, and a Snacking on knowledge discourse where content knowledge is portrayed as something students are able to pick and choose according to their own preference. Ideas of late modern society and arts in education are then used as a basis to carry out a critical discussion about the emerging discourses. Also different teacher and student positions are problematized.
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