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Autor/UrheberSilva, Maria João; Almeida, António; Valente, Bianor; Rodrigues, Margarida; Manteigas, Vítor
TitelSensing locally in the global environment: using sensors in the teachers' education.
QuelleAus: 9 78-989-8533--57. IADIS (2017)
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Dokumenttyponline; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterSensors; Environmental Education; Teachers' education
AbstractIn order to develop elementary school children's environmental citizenship, the 2lst century teachers have to improve their own environmental literacy, and electronic sensors can have an important role in that improvement. The research presented in this paper describes an environmental education project that uses electronic sensors to support future teachers in thinking globally, while sersing and acting in their local environment. Future teachers used sound sensors, temperature sensors, as well as carbon dioxide sensors, together with smarphones, to explore natural and urban systems in order not only to characterizeth ese systems,b ut also to: i) understande cosystems's ervicesa nd interconnectednessii;) identiff environmental problems; and plan related solutions in what concerns climatic comfort and air quality. The data acquired and produced in ecosystems' explorations were selected and are presented in this paper, as well as the related interpretations. The leaming resultsa re relatedt o: i) the local characterizationo fa natural ecosystema nd ofthe teachers' education school campus; ii) the differences and relations between Lisbon,urban systems and the neighboring natural ecosystems; iii) the identification of interventions to improve environmental quality of the campus. This research contributed to validate the use of electronic sensors and smar@honesa s a useful strategy to produce environmental information about the explored ecosystemst,o link local and global approachesin environmentale ducation,a s well as to support students' actions, planned to eúance the Campus environment. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
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