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Autor/UrheberDe Jager, Petronella; Condy, Janet M
TitelThe identification of sensory processing difficulties of learners experiencing Asperger's Syndrome (AS) in two mainstream Grade R classes.
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterAsperger's syndrome; Sensory processing; Inclusive Education; Sensory difficulties; Mainstream school
AbstractThe purpose of this study is to explore the sensory processing difficulties of Grade R learners that are diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (AS) in two schools in South Africa. Attwood (2007, p. 271) considers sensory sensitivities to have a greater impact on the lives of these individuals, than problems with making friends, managing emotions and coping academically. This research approach was purely qualitative; it used interviews and observations. The sample consists of two independent case studies composed of learners aged between five and seven who had been clinically diagnosed with AS. The results confirmed sensory processing difficulties, and illustrated how these difficulties impacted on the general learning and development of learners diagnosed with AS. Although they were both bright learners, they were perceived as underachievers. By identifying these sensory difficulties and creating awareness among educators, it is possible to debunk misconceptions people have of the adaptability of these learners to a mainstream school environment.
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