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Sonst. PersonenExtra, Guus (Hrsg.); Gorter, Durk (Hrsg.)
TitelMultilingual Europe: facts and policies.
QuelleBerlin: de Gruyter (2008), VIII, 352 S.
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ReiheContributions to the sociology of language. 96
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterErziehung; Kultur; Amtssprache; Sprache; Mehrsprachigkeit; Minderheit; Migrant; Europa
Abstract"This book offers an inclusive perspective on the constellation of languages in Europe by taking into account official state languages, regional minority languages and immigrant minority languages. Although 'celebrating linguistic diversity' is one of the key propositions in the European discourse on multilingualism and language policies, this device holds for these three types of languages in a decreasing order. All three types of languages, however, are constituent parts of a multilingual European identity and should be taken into account in any type of language policy. Both facts and policies on multilingualism and plurilingual education are addressed in case studies at the national and European level. The selection of case studies is based on a careful weighing of geographical spread of countries and languages across Europe on the one hand, and availability of established expert knowledge on the other. After an introduction to the theme of the book, part I deals with official state languages with a focus on the spread of English as lingua franca across Europe, on French and France, on Polish in Poland and abroad, and on language constellations in the Baltic States. Part II deals with regional minority languages with a focus on Catalan in Spain, Frisian in the Netherlands, Hungarian as a minority language in Central Europe, and Saami in the Nordic countries. Part III deals with immigrant minority languages in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy, and Europe at large." (author's abstract). Contents: Guus Extra, Durk Gorter: The constellation of languages in Europe: an inclusive approach (3-62). Section I. Official state languages - Juliane House: English as lingua franca in Europe today (63-86); Dennis Ager: French and France: language and state (87-110); Justyna Lesniewska, Zygmunt Mazur: Polish in Poland and abroad (111-134); Gabrielle Hogan-Brun: Language constellations across the Baltic Republics: a comparative review (135-156). Section II. Regional minority languages - F. Xavier Vila I Moreno: Catalan in Spain (157-184); Durk Gorter, Cor van der Meer, Alex Riemersma: Frisian in the Netherlands (185-206); Susan Gal: Hungarian as a minority language (207-232); Mikael Svonni: Sami languages in the Nordic countries and Russia (233-252). Section III. Immigrant minority languages - Viv Edwards: New minority languages in the United Kingdom (253-270); Lilian Nygren-Junkin: Immigrant minority languages in Sweden (271-292); Monica Barni, Carla Bagna: Immigrant languages in Italy (293-314); Guus Extra Kutlay Yagmur: Immigrant minority languages in Europe: cross-national and cross-linguistic perspectives (315-336).
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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