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Autor/inRöbken, Heinke
Sonst. PersonenSchneidewind, Uwe (Vorw.)
TitelInside the Knowledge Factory.
Organizational change in business schools in Germany, Sweden and the USA.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Im Inneren der Wissensfabrik. Organisatorischer Wandel an wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultäten in Deutschland, Schweden und den USA.
QuelleWiesbaden: Dt. Univ.-Verl. (2004), XVI, 271 S.
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Zugl. Oldenburg, Univ., Diss., 2004.
ReiheDUV. Wirtschaftswissenschaft
BeigabenTabellen 37; Abbildungen 20; grafische Darstellungen
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterOrganisationswandel; Wirtschaftswissenschaft; Hochschule; Hochschulschrift; Organisationsstruktur; Deutschland; Nordamerika; Schweden
Abstract"For the last centuries higher education institutions have been very enduring organizations. Nevertheless, they are now forced to rethink their strategies because of changes in their institutional environment. Heinke Röbken analyses how American, German and Swedish universities - and particularly business schools - deal with the various expectations they are confronted with. She shows, how higher management education institutions change and how they translate demands from their institutional environment (e.g. from business recruiters, academia or government) into their internal organizational structures. On the basis of neo-institutional theory the author argues that a form of "institutional schizophrenia" can help institutions to comply with external demands without compromising the pursuit of academic reputation which is essential for their inner stability."(author's abstract).
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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