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Autor/inn/enColliander, Helena; Nordmark, Sofia
TitelTeachers' approaches to social inclusion in second language teaching for adult migrants.
QuelleIn: European journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 14 (2023) 3, S. 397-410Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterUnterricht; Inklusion; Spracherwerb; Fremdsprache; Zweitsprache; Erwachsenenbildung; Migrant
AbstractAdult education has been used as a means to enhance citizens' opportunities to participate and be included in society, but adult education may also construe students as excluded. This study focuses on how teachers in second language education for migrants conceptualise and enact teaching for social inclusion. It draws on Fraser's concept of social justice and Biesta's aims of sound education. The article is based on observations and interviews with teachers. The findings highlight that the teaching is enacted to develop the students' language skills for formal qualification and everyday life as well as their knowledge of Civics and norms in Swedish society. Thus, conceptualising the students as emerging participants, lacking skills and knowledge as language users and citizens. This teaching enactment reflects qualification and socialisation as central aims of education, but less of subjectification processes. Consequently, social inclusion is conceptualised as migrants adjusting to society in predefined ways.
Erfasst vonComenius-Institut, Münster
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