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Autor/inn/enMoustakas, Louis; Raub, Viviane; Moufagued, Yassine; Petry, Karen Maria
TitelFrom sport to work? Exploring potentials in a Moroccan Sport-for-Employability programme.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Vom Sport zur Arbeit? Erkundung der Potenziale in einem marokkanischen Sport-für-Beschäftigung-Programm.
QuelleIn: Youth, 2 (2022) 4, S. 759-771Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterQualitative Analyse; Arbeitspsychologie; Bildungssystem; Bildungspolitik; Arbeitsschule; Soziales Lernen; Entwicklungshilfe; Entwicklungspolitik; Sozialerziehung; Bewegungserziehung; Sportpolitik; Ausbildung; Berufsausbildung; Arbeitsleistung; Anforderungsprofil; Arbeitsfähigkeit; Arbeitsmarkt; Karriere; Ausbildungsinhalt; Berufsfeld; Soziologie; Marokko
AbstractSport for development (SFD) has become an increasingly recognised and used approach to support positive social development across several contexts and thematic areas, including as it relates to improving the employability of young people not in employment or education (NEETs). Despite this, there has been limited research in this area, and we only have a partial picture of the experiences, mechanisms, and design of sport-for-employability programmes. Responding to this, the following paper presents the results of a qualitative study on the experiences and outcomes associated with an employability-focused SFD programme based in Casablanca, Morocco. Results illustrate how the programme provided crucial support to encourage consistent engagement and that this programme offered valuable opportunities for practical experiences and recognised qualifications. Nonetheless, many participants remain in short-term or precarious employment situations. Thus, closer alignment with job market needs and engagement with employment policy issues are likely needed to support longer-term, more secure employment. (Autor).
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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