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Sonst. PersonenMorska, Janina (Hrsg.); Rogerson, Alan (Hrsg.)
InstitutionInternational Symposium Innovative Teaching Practices (2023 : Oxford)
TitelThe mathematics education for the future project. Symposium proceedings innovative teaching practices.
Held at The Queen's College Oxford University, UK August 14-18, 2023.
QuelleMünster: WTM, Verlag für wissenschaftliche Texte und Medien (2023), 275 S.
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ReiheConference proceedings in mathematics education. 9
BeigabenIllustrationen; Diagramme
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-3-95987-249-2; 978-3-95987-250-8
SchlagwörterProblemlösen; Lehrerausbildung; Didaktik; Unterricht; Mathematikunterricht; Innovation; Konferenzschrift; Symposium
AbstractThis volume contains the papers presented at the International Symposium: Innovative Teaching Practices held on August 14-18 2023 in The Queen's College, Oxford University. The Symposium was organized by The Mathematics Education for the Future Project - an international philanthropic project founded in 1986 and dedicated to innovation in mathematics, science, computer and statistics education. (Übernommen).
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