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Autor/inWiseman, Alexander W.
TitelContrasting images of Islam and Arab societies in western secondary textbooks.
QuelleAus: Hildebrandt-Wypych, Dobrochna (Hrsg.); Wiseman, Alexander W. (Hrsg.): Comparative perspectives on school textbooks. Analyzing shifting discourses on nationhood, citizenship, gender, and religion. Cham: palgrave macmillan, Springer International Publishing AG (2021) S. 247-263
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BeigabenLiteraturangaben S. 262-263
Dokumenttyponline; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN978-3-030-68718-2; 978-3-030-68719-9
SchlagwörterKollektives Gedächtnis; Stereotyp; Wahrnehmung; Sekundarbereich; Curriculum; Schulbuch; Schulbuchforschung; Geschichtsunterricht; Islam; Repräsentation; Arabische Staaten; Westliche Welt
AbstractWertsch's work on collective memory is often cited to convey the importance of textbooks to the creation of meaning concerning historical events and their contemporary interpretation in textbooks (Boyer & Wertsch, 2009). As a result of the massi? cation of education, national curricula and textbooks generate collective memories that favor the biases of the pop cultures, socioeconomic conditions, and political regimes that contextualize or produce them (Ahonen, 2001; Wiseman, 2014). A nation's textbooks tangibly embody its curriculum, and its history textbooks tangibly embody its collective memory. The representation of Islam and Arab societies in Western textbooks has changed since the middle of the twentieth century, with signi? cant changes occurring in the 1970s and early 2000s. Prior to these changes, representations of Islam and Arab societies described nomadic lifestyles and were rooted in Western European perspectives on the Crusades. In general, however, Western textbooks paid little attention to Islam and Arab societies, largely because these had little impact on Western society. Westerners tended to act on Islam and Arab societies, not vice versa. For example, in the early twentieth century, Westerners understood con? icts between Arab states and Israel primarily as regional con? icts related to Israeli sovereignty (Bickerton & Klausner, 2007).
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien | Georg-Eckert-Institut (GEI), Braunschweig
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