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Autor/inSchoone, Adrian
TitelConstellations of Alternative Education Tutors.
A Poetic Inquiry. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleCham: Springer International Publishing (2020), XIII, 107 S.
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ReiheSpringerBriefs in Arts-Based Educational Research
BeigabenIllustrationen 1
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-3-030-35494-7; 978-3-030-35495-4; 978-3-030-35496-1
SchlagwörterAlternative Erziehung; Bildungsforschung; Forschungsmethode; Gemeinschaft; Kreativität; Lehrerbildung; Unterrichtsprozess; Unterricht; Kunstunterricht; Soziale Dienste; Soziale Arbeit; Entwicklung
AbstractThis volume highlights the contributions of tutors and their pedagogies to the field of education, focusing on the lived-experiences of tutors in alternative education programs in New Zealand. Tutors' voices were largely absent from education literature, yet, they are charged with providing a holistic education to disenfranchised young people, and they have artfully re-engaged many of their students into learning. This monograph presents the author's poetic inquiry methodology and methods that are intended to inspire others to take risks using arts-based educational research. Based on in-depth interviews, field work, and a performative workshop with tutor participants, the author created more than 200 poems. Drawing on these poetic findings, 21 constellations of tutor essences were created. From these, the tutor emerges as an holistic educator, whose pedagogies offer a conceptual foundation on which future training and development of tutors can build, and from which conventional schools can learn inclusive ways of working with all students. Contents: Finding the Poetry of Tutors -- Introduction -- Part I: Found by the Poem -- Alternative Education in New Zealand -- Being found by the Poem -- Phenomenological Poetic Inquiry -- Poetic Inquiry -- Research Context and Participants -- Part II: In Search for Shining Fragments -- Finding the Words -- Creating found Poetry from Interview Transcripts -- Deepening the found Poems -- Creating Maximus -- Maximus and the Imprinting of Essences -- Part III: Constellations -- Making sense through Constellations -- Constellation and Crystallization -- Creating Concreate Constellation Poems -- The lines that join -- Essences of call -- Essences of love -- Essences of joy -- Essences of empathy -- Essences of grace -- Essences of mana -- Essences of watching-over -- Essences of commitment -- Essences of past experiences -- Essences of criticality -- Essences of whanau -- Essences of guidance -- Essences of poiesis -- Essences of talanoa -- Essences of holism -- Essences of thoughtful pedagogy -- Essences of movement -- Essences of epiphany -- Essences of mystery -- Essences of transformation -- The Interlocking Horizons of Alternative Education Tutor Essences -- Conclusion: Making Landfall -- The Inland Journey for Tutors.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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