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Sonst. PersonenFrancis, Dennis A. (Hrsg.); Kjaran, Jón Ingvar (Hrsg.); Lehtonen, Jukka (Hrsg.)
TitelQueer Social Movements and Outreach Work in Schools.
A Global Perspective. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleCham: Springer International Publishing (2020), XIII, 297 S.
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ReiheQueer Studies and Education
BeigabenIllustrationen 2; farbige Illustrationen 1
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-3-030-41609-6; 978-3-030-41610-2; 978-3-030-41611-9; 978-3-030-41612-6
SchlagwörterBildungssoziologie; Gender; Identität; Schule; Schulbesuch; Gleichheit; Menschenrechte; Soziale Gerechtigkeit; Sexualität
AbstractThis book brings together leading scholars researching the field of gender, sexuality, schooling, queer activism, and social movements within different cultural contexts. With contributions from more than fifteen countries, the chapters bring fresh insights for students and scholars of gender and sexuality studies, education, and social movements in the Global North and South. The book draws together both theoretical and empirical contributions offering rich and multidisciplinary essays from scholars and activists in the field focusing on outreach work of QSM (Queer Social Movements) in schools, queer activism in educational settings, and the role of QSMs in supporting and informing queer youth. Contents: 1. Introduction: The synergistic potential of the outreach work and activism of queer social movements and schools -- 2. Educational Outreach Work in Nordic Countries: Challenges, Tensions and Contradictions for Queering Schools and Teaching about Sexual and Gender Diversity -- 3. Embodying responsibility? Understanding educators' engagement in queer educational justice work in schools -- 4. Challenges to LGBTQI inclusive education and queer activism in Taiwan -- 5. The Sexual Diversity Pastoral Care Group and the Catholic Schools in Chile: An attempt to confront heteronormativity in school spaces -- 6. Education as activism: Sexual dissidence and schooling in Spain -- 7. Queer activism and non-formal outreach work in Iran: Creating a community of support and learning -- 8. Queer Intersectional outreach actions to prevent LGBTQ+ prejudice and discrimination in schools: the Brazilian context and analysis of a local experience -- 9. We're here, we're queer... but are we in schools? Lessons learned from a multicountry project across Eastern and Southern Africa -- 10. "I'm queer and that's ok" Sharing autobiographical stories as a key method of queer activism in Austrian schools -- 11. "I decided to teach... despite the anger": using Forum Theatre to connect queer activists, teachers and school leaders to address heterosexism in schools -- 12. Intersex and education: What can schools and queer school projects learn from current discourses on intersex in Austria -- 13. Conclusions: Queering 'Politics of Pain' through activism and educational outreach work.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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