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Autor/inMatusov, Eugene
TitelEnvisioning Education in a Post-Work Leisure-Based Society.
A Dialogical Approach. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleCham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan (2020), VII, 332 S.
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BeigabenIllustrationen 11; farbige Illustrationen 4
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-3-030-46372-4; 978-3-030-46373-1; 978-3-030-46374-8; 978-3-030-46375-5
SchlagwörterBildung; Erziehung; Erziehungsphilosophie; Bildungssoziologie; Künstliche Intelligenz; Arbeitslehre; Bildungslaufbahn
AbstractThis book is both an analytic and imaginative study of the future role of education in a leisure-based society. Grounded in a philosophical approach that draws on the work of Aristotle, Arendt, Keynes, and others, the volume deconstructs modern work-based society, as well as mainstream institutionalized education, which the author argues have systemically alienated students from their education, authorial agency, and society itself. The author argues for the value of intrinsic education, where the goals are based on students' own needs and interests, imagining new opportunities that can arise from the emergence of such a society. Contents: 1. Introduction -- 2. Necessities-based society and technological education -- 3. Inherent alienation of labor and work -- 4. Changes in the economy: Technological unemployment and creative authorial labor -- 5. Genuine leisure: "Eat to live, don't live to eat" -- 6. Necessity in leisure-based society: Economy, social obligations, and politics -- 7. The cultural value of leisure: Contra and pro -- 8. Education in a leisure-based society -- 9. Students and teachers as authors in a Bakhtinian critical dialogue -- 10. Conclusion: Organization of education in a post-work leisure-based society.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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