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Autor/inHe, Deyuan
TitelChina English in World Englishes.
Education and Use in the Professional World. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleSingapore: Springer Singapore (2020), XXXV, 199 S.
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ReiheAsia in Transition. 10
BeigabenIllustrationen 29; farbige Illustrationen 1
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-981-15-8186-1; 978-981-15-8187-8; 978-981-15-8188-5; 978-981-15-8189-2
SchlagwörterMethodologie; Sprachaneignung; Linguistik; Soziolinguistik; Sprache; Spracherwerb; Studium
AbstractThis book fills the gap in World Englishes studies in terms of the pedagogic implication of China English and its use in the Chinese workplace. Using three triangulated methods, namely, questionnaire survey, matched-guise technique, and focused interview, the book adopts an innovative research methodology that combines quantitative and qualitative data from 3,493 participants. Overall, the participants still believe that the standardized Englishes are desirable models of English in China and that China English should be well codified and promoted before being adopted as the pedagogic model. In addition, the book proposes that the curriculum design of university English should include an introduction to the well-defined characteristics of China English and world Englishes. Last but not least, the book reveals that English is being used more widely and frequently in the professional world than before and has become increasingly important in China. Contents: Introduction -- Chapter 1 Setting the stage: Topics in world Englishes in focus -- Chapter 2 Setting the stage: Key topics in China English -- Chapter 3 China English and ELT in China: An empirical perspective -- Chapter 4 The use of English in the professional workplace in China -- Chapter 5 China English and the use of English in China: Present and prospects -- Bibliography -- Appendices.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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