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Sonst. PersonenJones, Michelle (Hrsg.); Harris, Alma (Hrsg.)
TitelLeading and Transforming Education Systems.
Evidence, Insights, Critique and Reflections. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleSingapore: Springer Singapore (2020), XVII, 206 S.
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ReiheEducation in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects. 52
BeigabenIllustrationen 14
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-981-15-4994-6; 978-981-15-4995-3; 978-981-15-4996-0
SchlagwörterVergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft; Bildungsmanagement; Schule; Schulverwaltung; Internationale Erziehung
AbstractThis book explores the ongoing transformation processes in various education systems, including those in Asia. Drawing on research, policy and practice in a diverse range of contexts to illuminate the process of system transformation and improvement, it provides a rich comparative basis for considering large-scale reform and offers contemporary reflections and insights into the process of school and system improvement. The book features informed critique, as well as descriptions, analyses and assessments of system reform in all its facets. Accordingly, it offers unique perspectives on the change processes, and reveals how numerous countries in Asia and elsewhere are tackling the challenge of transforming their schools and education systems. Contents: Forward. -Preface. -Introduction. -Chapter 1: An overview of the evidence concerning the relationship between leadership and high performance in schools and school systems -- Chapter 2: Leadership development and leadership practice in an Asian Context-theories, models and empirical evidence -- Chapter 3: Leadership Development and Training in exceptional schools and school systems in Asia: Case Study 1 -- Chapter 4: Leadership Development and Training in exceptional schools and school systems in Asia: Case Study 2 -- Chapter 5: Leadership Development and Training in exceptional schools and school systems in Asia: Case Study 3 -- Chapter 6: Collaborative learning and leadership in Asian schools and school systems -- Chapter 7: Distributed Leadership -practice, pitfalls and promises in an Asian context -- Chapter 8: Transforming Schools and School Systems - Current Lessons and Future Directions -- Conclusion.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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