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Autor/inn/enHusby, Inger Sofie Dahlø; Kiik, Riina; Juul, Randi
TitelChildren's encounters with professionals - recognition and respect during collaboration.
QuelleIn: European journal of social work, 22 (2019) 6, S. 987-998Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterErfahrung; Entscheidung; Kommunikation; Kind; Partizipation; Rechtsanspruch; Sonderpädagoge; Jugendhilfe; Anerkennung; Dialog; Inanspruchnahme; Kooperation; Experte; Honneth, Axel; Norwegen
AbstractIn the context of Child Welfare, collaboration is used to ensure that families receive the best public services. In these working processes children have the legal right to participate. Research has demonstrated that children are sensitive to whether they feel they are treated with respect. The issue of partnership relations can be demanding. This article examines children's experiences with recognition in the context of service collaboration.
Erfasst vonDeutsches Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen, Berlin
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