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Autor/inn/enSuggate, Sebastian; Lehmann, Jennifer; Stoeger, Heidrun; Jansen, Petra
TitelCognition embodied: Mental rotation is faster for objects that imply a greater body-object interaction.
QuelleIn: Journal of cognitive psychology, 31 (2019) 8, S. 876-890
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN2044-5911; 2044-592X
SchlagwörterKognition; Vorstellung (Psy); Interaktion; Körper (Biol); Mehrdimensionalität; Objekt
AbstractMental imagery constitutes internal simulations of the external environment, which, according to theories of embodied cognition, is affected by sensorimotor processes. Accordingly, we test the influence on mental imagery of (a) the degree to which stimuli imply a body-object interaction (BOI) and manipulability, and (b) fine motor skills (FMS), using a chronometric mental rotation task. The mental rotation task involved stimuli that differed according to whether they implied a high or a low BOI. Additionally, participants (N = 102) completed FMS, vocabulary and processing speed tasks. Results indicated that high-BOI words resulted in smaller response latencies; however, FMS was not a significant predictor. Findings are discussed in terms of embodied effects on mental imagery.
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